Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Standardizing PSA Definition of Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy

There are multiple definitions of biochemical recurrence for prostate cancer treatment post surgery. This causes confusion both within the patient community and the medical community. It would be very helpful if we could standardize a [...]

Abiraterone And Enzalutamide Effect Cognitive Impairment and Depression in Men With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)

Speaking with men who have taken abiraterone (Zytiga, ABI) and enzalutamide (Xtandi, ENZA), at Malecare we sometimes hear reports of both cognitive and mood changes brought on by these two drugs. Evaluating these two problematic [...]

Better Predicting Advanced Prostate Cancer Outcomes with NaF-PET/CT Scans

Imaging of prostate cancer has been improving by leaps and bounds over the last few years. Current imaging techniques are not sensitive enough to give us an accurate picture of the cancer. This means that [...]

For USA readers – Protect Our Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Funding

UPDATE June &, 2016 4:30 PM EST We won. The Durbin Amendment to save all cancer research funding at the Department of Defense passed 66-32, saving the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP), which includes [...]

Be Cautious Taking Megace To Treat Hormone Therapy Hot Flashes

When taking hormone therapy (ADT) each of us experiences different side effects and each of us experiences them differently.  Anyone experiencing hot flashes, probably the most commonly reported side effect of ADT during hormone therapy [...]

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