Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Pamorelin (Trelstar) Now Available in the Philippines

Pamorelin (Trelstar® )is going to become available in the Philippines. Pamorelin, and Decapeptyl® will be made available to urologists and oncologists who treat men with advanced prostate cancer. It will be available in one, three [...]

ASCO Releases A Statement of Principles Balancing Patient Access to Opioids with Curbing Drug Abuse

The American Association of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) released a very important new policy statement that details their position surrounding the prescribing of  opioids to cancer patients. This issue has taken the forefront of controversy as [...]

18F-Fluciclovine PET/CT Superior to 11C-Choline PET/CT for the Detection of a Prostate Cancer Relapse

We have all been ever increasingly aware of the weakness of our scanning technologies when it comes to both diagnosing prostate cancer and its recurrence. Given that about 1/3 of all primary treatments for prostate [...]

Three Videos Of Interest To The Prostate Cancer Community

Recently our long time partner, Patient Power ( has produced a number of videos that are of significant interest to all members of the prostate cancer community. Darryl Mitteldorf, Executive Director of Malecare talks about [...]

Decatur Memorial Hospital Now Offers A C-11 Choline PET CT To Men With Recurrent Prostate Cancer

According to a press release from the Decatur Memorial Hospital in Decatur Ill., after their having completed a clinical trial evaluating C-11 Choline PET CT and in men who have suffered a biochemical relapse of [...]

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