Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

ASCO Publishes Two Independent Research Programs from Malecare

Malecare not only is the world’s largest prostate cancer support and education organization it also is responsible for prostate cancer research which has been recognized and published by the world’s largest organization of oncologists, the [...]

From Active Surveillance to Metastatic Prostate Cancer – Know The Risks As You Decide

Historically, too many men were haphazardly treated for prostate cancer. Happily, the incidents of over treatment have been declining and the general acceptance of Active Surveillance has emerged as the preferred management strategy for men [...]

Good News, The House Appropriations Committee Increases the Ask For The DoD PCRP Allocation for FY 2017

Today, I have some good news to share with you. Malecare, along with many other prostate cancer advocacy groups have been hard at work attempting to persuade members of Congress to not only maintain the [...]

Genetic Biomarker Predicts Peripheral Neuropathy Associated With Docetaxel Chemotherapy For Prostate Cancer

According to researchers at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, men with a mutation in their VAC14 gene are more susceptible to Docetaxil chemotherapy induced neuropathy and nerve pain. This debilitating side [...]

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