Be Cautious Taking Megace To Treat Hormone Therapy Hot Flashes

When taking hormone therapy (ADT) each of us experiences different side effects and each of us experiences them differently.  Anyone experiencing hot flashes, probably the most commonly reported side effect of ADT during hormone therapy (ADT) knows how difficult, embarrassing and uncomfortable they can become as you go through your life. Some men, who find [...]

Which Men are at the Greatest Risk of Weight Gain on Hormone Therapy? Knowing Your Risk Factors

Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the most common first therapy for men diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer as well as many men with non-metastatic prostate cancer.  ADT brings with it many side effects including significant weight gain.  Weight gain, which may contribute to cardiovascular comorbidities as well as diabetes, is among the many adverse metabolic [...]

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