Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Can Radiotherapy (Radiation) for the Primary Tumors Benefit Men With Prostate CancerWith Distant Metastasis at Initial Diagnosis?

The common belief is that if you are diagnosed with prostate cancer that has already developed metastases only a systemic treatment will provide a life extending benefit. In other cancers it has been shown that [...]

Global Prostate Cancer Alliance investigates why Black men in the UK die at twice the rate as White men.

The Global Prostate Cancer Alliance  requests your participation in a United Kingdom focused project regarding Prostate Cancer killing Black men at twice the rate as it does White descent.  We want to understand how Black men in the [...]

What Is The Role Of C-Reactive Protein In The Prediction Of A Bio-Chemical Recurrence Post Radical Prostatectomy?

Periodically, some of the men in one of my support groups get locked into what they see as the importance of monitoring their C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels to be able to predict their chances [...]

NHS (UK) Fast Tracks Chemotherapy for Men Who Are Still Hormone Sensitive

One of the frustrations faced by men in the UK has been the Guideline that restrictes the use of chemotherapy (docetaxel) to only men who have already failed hormone therapy (ADT). This Guideline directly contradicts [...]

Intermittent ADT, Does It Increase A Man’s Risk Factors For Serious Side Effects?

Once again we see what seems to be logical isn’t necessarily the way it actually works!  In a surprising study result, it was shown that the use of intermittent androgen-deprivation therapy (IADT) for prostate cancer [...]

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