Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

What Is The Significance Of Prostate Specific Antigen Persistence After Radical Prostatectomy For Men With Node-positive Prostate Cancer?

It is generally accepted that a complete biochemical response (BR) of a man’s PSA immediately after surgery is an indicator of optimal cancer control. Does this also hold true for men with lymph node invasion [...]

REVIEW – Statins Boost Abiraterone (Zytiga) Activity in Prostate Cancer

Another piece of information from the recent ASCO GU conference in San Francisco Researchers have found that adding statin drugs may prolong the sensitivity of abiraterone acetate (Zytiga) in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) [...]

African American Men Might Suffer From Prostate Cancer More Because of A Gene Alteration

African American men get more prostate cancer and more lethal forms of prostate cancer than men of other ethnicities. We  assume that a combination of genetic differences, lifestyle, nutritional and medical access were the reasons [...]

Repeating Treatment with Radium-223 (Xofigo) is Safe and Effective

Radium-223 (Xofigo) is a drug for men with castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer (mCRCP) who have multiple bone metastases. Radium-223 selectively targets bone metastases by mimicking calcium, which is attracted to the bone, especially to the [...]

For Men with Prostate Cancer Does Being Married or Partnered Extend Your Life, A Myth Shattered

I just returned, along with Malecare’s Executive Director Darryl Mitteldorf and Dr. Wendy Lebowitz, from the ASCO Genitourinary Cancers Symposium in San Francisco. The three of us often attend this meeting, but this one had [...]

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