My husband had a radical prostectomy on 7/14/2009. Gleason 4+3 with 2mm postive margin and possible extraprostatic extension. PSA now less than 0001. Oncologist recommends adjuvent radiation now. We may opt just to monitor with ultrasensitive assay. No red meat, processed food etc. I have him taking POM wonderful capsules daily, 5mg citrus pectin,and a tumeric/cayenne mixture. I was thinking of adding Matike D fraction and Indol 3 Carbonol. What do you think? My understanding is that the pomegranite and citrus pectin may slow doubling. I have read research on cayenne/tumeric killing cancer cells. Any direction or information you have would be helpful. Thanks Claire


Hi Claire. You have done good research. Pomegranate capsules or 8 ounces of juice a day (mix 5 grams of MCP in it ) , Modified Citrus Pectin – MCP( 5g – 3 times a day is better), tumeric ( curcumin is the main ingredient- about 800mg in divided doses.), maitaike d fraction (about 3 pills -3 times a day) and Indole – 3 – carbinol  about 400 mg a day are all great things to take. Add about 2000iu to 5000iu of vitamin D3 to this regimen. Get your physician to measure your vitamin D3 levels – it should be about 80ng/ml. Keep in mind that supplements always supports a good diet program not replaces it.