Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Understanding the Result of Neuroendocrine Differentiation in Prostate Cancer

Understanding a little about the prostate gland and its biology is not only interesting, but it allows us to ask some important questions that can be very specific to our prostate cancer treatment decisions and [...]

Using Low Dose Prednisone in First-Line Docetaxel Treatment Improves The Quality of Life (QoL) For Men With Prostate Cancer

Clinical trials are used to both demonstrate that a drug or treatment has efficacy (extends life or improves the quality of life). They also are used as the vehicle to obtain approval from the governmental [...]

Updated Analysis Confirms That Adherence To A Strict Mediterranean Diet Is Correlated To Longer Cancer Survival For Many Cancers, Including Prostate Cancer

Go to any support group meeting and you are almost sure to hear someone, usually a new member of the group, ask about what they might do to lower their risk of having their prostate [...]

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