Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

ADT with Radiation Treatment Might Endanger Your Life!

The standard of care and the facts are simple. Men who have aggressive prostate cancer and elect to have radiation therapy will benefit from six months of concurrent hormone therapy (ADT). However, based on recent [...]

What You Need to Know About Xgeva or Denosumab

Xgeva, also known as denosumab, is an injectable medication (injected once a month subcutaneously under the skin in the doctor’s office) that is used to prevent bone fractures and spinal cord compression caused by bone [...]

Stress and Survival in Prostate Cancer – Looking at a Trial Using Muscle Relaxation and Guided Imagery in Anxiety Reducing Interventions in Prostate and Breast Cancer Chemotherapy

FROM this blog on September 9, 2015 ) According to Michael Jan, MD, and his collaborators at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden those of us who are experiencing high levels of stress need to [...]

Adjuvant Radiotherapy Benefits Survival in Subsets of Men With Node-Positive Prostate Cancer

In an analysis of outcomes reported in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, men who were diagnosed with lymph node-positive prostate cancer (no bone involvement) who went on to receive targeted radiation (adjuvant radiotherapy)  enjoyed a [...]

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