Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Chemotherapy After Radium-223 Appears to be Safe in Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

  Understanding how to best sequence and combine our new drugs to treat advanced prostate cancer includes the most discussed issue, efficacy. We want to know if a special order or a special combination of [...]

Abiraterone Is Effective In Men Over 75 Years Who Are Chemotherapy-Naive And Have mCRPC

We know that Abiraterone (Zytiga) extends life, but we also know that its side effects can be harsh, especially in elderly men (men over 75 years). We also know that men with metastatic, castrate resistant [...]

Understanding and Trying to Rectify the Abusive Costs of Our Drugs

I have been relatively quiet about the skyrocketing cost of drugs, but it has now become impossible to remain out of the fray. A Pharmaceutical company recently acquired a drug called Daraprim, the drug treats [...]

Radium-223 When Given In Combinations May Improve Survival in mCRPC

As I have said before, the next big step in the clinical care of men with prostate cancer will be in not in the development of a new drug, but in our growing knowledge of [...]

The Really Big Question We all Ask, Will I Die from Prostate Cancer?

Because of the large amount of prostate cancer screening there has been a major shift in initial staging in prostate cancer  in western countries, with the incidence of metastases at diagnosis decreasing from over 50% [...]

Is There A Clinical Benefit Derived From Using Low Dose Prednisone With First Line Docetaxel Treatment In Men With Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer?

There have been some randomized studies that have shown that when prednisone is used in combination with docetaxel (chemotherapy) there is an improved survival in men who have metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). To add [...]

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