Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Cancer Diagnosis Causes Increased Emotional Problems for Too Many of Us

Being diagnosed with cancer is tough. Being diagnosed with cancer is often coupled with clinically meaningful levels of mental or emotional distress. Researchers in Germany have found that during the prior four weeks nearly a [...]

New Investigational Treatment Instead of Active Surveillance & Maybe for Distant Tumors

Today’s post is not directly an advanced prostate cancer post, but more about a new potential and very interesting treatment on the horizon for men with prostate cancer that might otherwise be considered for active [...]

Xtandi In Combination with Zytiga Is Not Better Than Either Drug Alone

A late-stage clinical trial designed to see if Xtandi in addition to Zytiga along with a steroid worked any better than either of these drugs separately (combining them v sequencing them) in men with advanced [...]

One Man’s Shares His Personal Tips About Having Provenge To Treat His Advanced Prostate Cancer

The following was posted on the Malecare Advanced Prostate Cancer Health Unlocked online support group.  I have received permission to reprint it here because it might be helpful to some of you. FYI-    Provenge [...]

In the 1990’s USA: PSA Screening Reduced Instances of Initial Diagnosis of Metastatic Prostate Cancer By 50%

Screening for early cancer detection may reduce the rate of related metastatic disease, but not always. In a published study in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers evaluated the incidence of men having a [...]

By |December 4th, 2016|Categories: Advanced Prostate Cancer, Advocacy, Biomarkers and Prognostic Tools, Uncategorized, USPTF|Tags: , |0 Comments
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