Latest Advanced Prostate Cancer News2017-10-19T10:43:14-04:00

Recurring Prostate Cancer- What ADT Treatment Schedule Is Superior?

 One of the many constantly recurring topics that we discuss is over the efficacy of intermittent hormone deprivation therapy (IAD) as opposed to continuous hormone deprivation therapy (CAD). Which therapy is better has been debated [...]

High Volume Radiation Treatment Facilities Produce Better Survival In Men with Aggressive Prostate Cancer

According to researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston Ma., men with aggressive prostate cancer who have radiation therapy to treat the cancer have better overall survival rates when the therapy is given at a high volume treatment [...]

Salvage Radical Prostatectomy Improves Long Term Survival in Men with Radiation Recurrent Prostate Cancer

A retrospective study, using the SEER Date, a U.S. national database, analyzed data from men diagnosed with prostate cancer and found that salvage radical prostatectomy (SRP) improved the long-term survival in men whose cancer has returned after receiving radiation [...]

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