Malecare believes:
If you are reading this, you are alive.
Men diagnosed with prostate cancer can live brilliantly.
You can get better treatment when you know what your doctor is talking about.
You should never feel judged or stupid.
Prostate cancer scares everyone.
You would rather not have cancer.
Connecting with other men is good for you.
Prostate cancer treatment side effects suck.
You did not deserve to get cancer.
Prostate cancer doesn’t have to be the most important part of your life.
No one doctor knows everything about treating prostate cancer.
Prostate cancer is a chronic disease that can be treated until you die from something else.
If you die from prostate cancer at a ripe old age, then you have beaten prostate cancer.
It’s possible to think less about prostate cancer and more about your life.
Truth comes from experience shared from other men.
You want less but better treatment.
Support should be there when you need it.
Innovative program design improves patient care.
We do what we say and when we say it.
Innovation invests everything we do.
Conventional programs are not worth your charity.
You should tell us when we screw up.
We partner with people and companies that are smarter than us.
Your privacy should never be destroyed.
Real talk and quality connections.
We fail when you don’t get something you need.
You want to sleep without worry about prostate cancer.
Everything we create is free and available to everyone.
You should get only the service you want.
Your life is more important than Malecare.
We create programs no one has ever created before.
We believe everyone can be beat prostate cancer. Even you.