Understanding prostate cancer survivorship relative to co-habitation.
Presented at ASCO-GU 2016
Prostate Cancer – Advanced Disease
Genitourinary Cancer
2016 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium
Abstract No:
Poster Board Number:
Poster Session A (Board #L2)
J Clin Oncol 34, 2016 (suppl 2S; abstr 253)
Author(s): Darryl Mitteldorf
Abstract Disclosures
Background: Studies suggest that married men diagnosed with prostate cancer survive longer than single men. None of the published research shows why this might be the case. Nothing is known about how treatment choice satisfaction and aspects of the psycho-social experience might differ between single and married men. Our aim was to understand if there are any differences in key indicators which might influence survivorship between single and married or partnered men. Methods: 1,762 men diagnosed with prostate cancer completed a lengthy online survey during a one month in 2014. The men were randomly selected from a national Prostate Cancer support group network. We investigated compliance and satisfaction in their treatment choices, activities of life satisfaction, spirituality and overall life sentiment. We included questions relating to the length of time between diagnosis and the survey and the size and location of the respondents community. We stratified each question by whether or not a person lived alone or was married or partnered or lived in some other communal situation. Results: There were no significant differences in diagnosis years by living status. A higher proportion of people with prostate cancer who live alone get more than 3 days per week strenuous exercise than those who live in communal situations. 20.26% of men who live alone exercised seven days, while only 14.24% of the married/partnered group exercised as much We used the CORR procedure in SAS to determine if a correlation existed between answers to specific questions and whether or not a person lived alone. Very few response patterns were correlated with being alone. No question in the survey was able to produce a correlation greater than 0.31. A feeling of loneliness was most correlated with being alone (r = 0.302). Trouble urinating (r = 0.24134) and trouble moving one’s bowels (r = 0.16904) were also mildly correlated with being single. Conclusions: Our study shows that being married, partnered or single is irrelevant to prostate cancer survivorship. Our results suggest that we have to look for reasons unrelated to personal relationships and household composition to understand why married men diagnosed with prostate cancer hold a longevity advantage over single men.
Criteria Investigated
1. All of my clothes currently fit
2. I have clean clothes to wear
3. I feel hungry during the day
4. I am able to get dressed by myself
5. I am able to get to the toilet whenever I want
6. I clean/brush my teeth at least four times a week.
7. I (or someone whom I live with) clean most or all of my household at least once a month
8. I am able to get out of bed whenever I want
9. I pray when I am dealing with stressful situations
10. Spirituality is important in my life
11. Religion is important in my life
12. I feel isolated.
13. I feel sad
14. I am satisfied with how I am coping with my illness
15. I am losing hope in the fight against my illness
16. I feel lonely
17. I feel nervous
18. I worry about dying
19. I worry that my prostate cancer will get worse
20. I am able to work (include work at home)
21. My work (include work at home) is fulfilling
22. I am able to enjoy life
23. I have accepted my illness
24. I am sleeping well
25. I am enjoying the things I usually do for fun
26. I am content with the quality of my life right
27. Did your doctor(s) tell you about the risks and possible side effects of the biopsy procedure that you underwent in order to diagnose you?
28. Did doctors explain your test results such as blood tests, x-rays, or cancer screening tests?
29. Did doctors tell you about side effects you might get from the treatment you received (including the risks if you chose active surveillance) after you were diagnosed?
30. I have difficulty paying for the medications that I am prescribed.
31. I keep all of my medical/doctor/treatment appointments
32. I understand the things the doctor(s) tell me
33. I voice record my meetings with my doctor(s)
34. I take medications as prescribed
35. I contact my doctor if I notice unusual symptoms and/or if I am in pain
36. I feel I have made the right treatment choice
37. I feel my doctor is doing the best he/she can for me.
38. I have had a second opinion from a doctor beyond the urologist who originally diagnosed me with prostate cancer
39. I have had difficulty with my medical benefits and/or health insurance.
40. I have access to a car
41. I am able to drive a car
42. I have access to public transportation
43. I am able to use public transportation
44. I find it difficult to walk on flat surfaces
45. I find it difficult to climb stairs
46. I use a wheel chair or other kind of ambulatory assistance device
47. My pain keeps me from doing things I want to do
48. I am satisfied with my present comfort level
49. I have trouble moving my bowels
50. I have difficulty urinating
51. My problems with urinating limit my activities
52. I have difficulty urinating
53. I have trouble moving my bowels
54. I have a lack of energy
55. I have one or more of the following: nausea, urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence
56. I have hot flashes
57. I have pain (not including headaches)
58. I am bothered by sexual dysfunction
59. I feel ill
60. I suffer headaches