OUR CORE VALUES – Malecare’s core values structure how we make our decisions and how we interact with each other and our community.

INTELLIGENCE AND CREATIVITY:  Our clients deserve excellence and innovation. We exist to create the best patient centered program designs on earth.

OUR FOCUS: We are always client-focused. We value and strive to continually understand and proactively respond to the increasing and changing needs of the people we serve. This is our first priority, to know our clients and always prioritize their interests.

INTEGRITY: We will conduct all of our activities and business ethically. We expect all of our Board members, staff and volunteers to hold high  ethical standards in all of their activities, both when doing the business of Malecare and in their personal life.

RESPECT: We all will respect each other. We will value the uniqueness and dignity of each individual and his or her contributions to Malecare and to society.

EXCELLENCE: We will strive for and value excellence. We have a strong commitment to quality and to innovation, measured by optimal outcomes for the people we serve.

TRANSPARENCY: We conduct our activities with complete and open transparency. We try to be accountable and and open in all our business practices.

STEWARDSHIP: We are responsible stewards of our funds and our relationships with clients, donors, volunteers, funders and other supporters. We honor the intent of our donors and use our resources efficiently and effectively for the betterment of our clients.

CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: We will avoid all conflicts of interest, or the appearance of any conflicts of interest, unless the conflicts are fully, plainly and publically disclosed.