I was recently treated for epididymitis . I took cipro for ten days and the symptoms were gone . Went back to my doctor about 4 days after the last pill and had a psa test run . I was also given uroxatral for suspected bladder problems . tDoctor called because my psa readings were extreamly high . my last psa was 2.8 , 15 months ago . this current doctor does not know that my last count was 2.8…… im 54 , non smoker , not overweight and active . I’m really scared. thanks,
I remember when I was diagnosed. It is really scary. At this point, I would stress it is premature to think you have cancer. You do not even know how high the new PSA is. At this point, you could well have a prostate infection (prostatitis) rather than cancer. So, I would suggest you meet with this doctor and get more details. You may need a prostate ultrasound and biopsy done by an urologist.
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