Insomnia, Depression and Distress

I don’t know about your experiences, but I definitely suffer from insomnia. There are two different types of insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep. I have no problem getting to sleep, but after three to four hours I find myself waking every half hour to hour. This can continue on for two to [...]

Prostate Caner Awareness in London

On June 13, 2009 I wrote about a competition taking place in London (UK) between a group of very selective advertisement agencies. One entry into the competition was a “wild card” entry, promoting prostate cancer awareness. The actual advertisement can be viewed at this link (you can just click on the link): The ultimate [...]

Can a smart bomb save my life? Scientists at Purdue University Think It Can

Researchers at Purdue have developed what they have described as prostate cancer “homing device.” They believe that this treatment modality can improve detection, and allow for the first targeted treatment of prostate cancer. The researchers have synthesized a molecule that finds and penetrates only prostate cancer cells. They have also created imaging agents and therapeutic [...]

Dealing with the Worry of Developing a Met

Every time I feel any pain, especially when it is in my chest or lower back, the little birdie whispers to me that I have finally developed a bone met. What are just the normal aches and pains from getting older sometimes seem to magnify and turn on the worry switch. It isn’t dissimilar to [...]

Younger Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer Die Earlier from the Cancer

A paradoxical, but logical finding, indicates that I am more likely to die from prostate cancer than my fellow pc survivors. In the world of prostate cancer I am a young man. I was diagnosed at 50 years and suffered a recurrence at 55 years, in the prostate cancer world this makes me a young [...]

Hey, We Also Need Biomarkers

A lot has been written about the need to identify better biomarkers to both assist in the initial diagnosis of prostate cancer and then to help determine which cancers are potentially dangerous from those that are actually indolent. Finding these markers is vital, I too have written about the great need for them. However, in [...]

The Role of Vitamin A in Advanced Prostate Cancer

I have recently received a number of emails asking about the role of vitamin A (retinol) in advanced prostate cancer. These questions come from the recently released results of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) Cancer Screening Trial, which have caused the current stir about PSA screening. In this study, 803 prostate cancer survivors [...]

The Search for Biomarkers for Aggressive Prostate Cancer

The May 5 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine carried a report about some recent research looking to identify biomarkers for aggressive prostate cancer. We have been plagued with our inability to differentiate between which prostate cancers are aggressive and will kill and which are actually indolent and will not affect a man’s life. [...]

Is there A Role for Statins in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer?

I have returned from Michigan and again have the computer access and the time to continue sharing items relevant to our struggle. Investigators at the Duke University Prostate Center have indicated that cholesterol-lowering drugs, statins, may reduce inflammation in prostate tumors, which might hinder prostate cancer growth. "Previous studies have shown that men taking statins [...]

Writing Your Legacy

As we age, especially for those of us who have advanced and recurrent prostate cancer we need to "put our affairs in order". This includes making sure we have a valid Will, have established any trusts that our spouses, partners, children and grandchildren might need, signed a health care proxy and appointed an individual with [...]

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