A Urologist with Advanced Prostate Cancer Shares His Story

The following was sent to me as a comment to a prior post. Instead, I think the comment warrants being put up as its own separate post. It is written by a urologist who has requested that I only use his initials instead of his full name. I would like to thank you for your [...]


I don’t know if you have ever thought about it, but sometimes I think about who gets cancer and who doesn’t. It is hard not to think about this after having three different cancers. According to scientists, we know of some things that can cause cancer, such as certain environmental exposures. Exposure only means that [...]

How Long Do I Have To Live?

You have been treated for prostate cancer and you find out that your PSA is rising. You are diagnosed with prostate cancer and the doctors tell you that the cancer has escaped the gland and moved on to other places in your body. You have advanced prostate cancer and there is no cure for you! [...]

Scott Goodwin Checks In

Scott Goodwin who periodically has been writing about his journey taking chemotherapy has given us a very moving update. Sadly, Scott is not doing well physically, but he is continuing his valiant fight against this insipid disease. - JTN I thought I would send a much overdue update on my progress with chemo, etc. I [...]

The Value of & Teaching Empathy to Our Doctors

When I was first interviewing oncologists to decide whom to put on my team to help me deal with my prostate cancer recurrence, I remember leaving the office of the doctor I eventually selected and saying to my wife, “I can’t use him.” She asked why and I replied, “He is not going to be [...]

Insomnia, Depression and Distress

I don’t know about your experiences, but I definitely suffer from insomnia. There are two different types of insomnia, difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep. I have no problem getting to sleep, but after three to four hours I find myself waking every half hour to hour. This can continue on for two to [...]

Chemo Brain – Yes, Prostate Cancer Survivors Do Suffer From It

Today’s New York Times has published another of its fantastic articles about cancer and coping with cancer. Today’s article, written by Jane Brody, discusses chemo brain. Until a short time ago, many doctors denied that it even existed, but today it is pretty much accepted as being real. One is said to suffer from chemo [...]

Living My Life In Three Week Cycles

Scott Goodwin has been a guest writer on this blog. He has been sharing his experiences and feelings as he continues his journey on chemotherapy. Scott is not doing as well as we all had hoped. His final paragraph says "When does the time come when a man will stop all treatments and try to [...]

Dealing with the Worry of Developing a Met

Every time I feel any pain, especially when it is in my chest or lower back, the little birdie whispers to me that I have finally developed a bone met. What are just the normal aches and pains from getting older sometimes seem to magnify and turn on the worry switch. It isn’t dissimilar to [...]

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