Cabozantinib, Promising, Still Controversial For the Treatment of Bone Mets in Prostate Cancer

Cabozantinib (cabo), has many of us prostate cancer survivor, educators and researchers simply scratching their heads. In trials, Cabozantinib demonstrated what some people have characterized as mind boggling activity against bone metastases. In trials the drug led to partial or complete resolution of bone scans in a substantial portion of patients with cancer, including prostate, [...]

On The Horizon – A Status Report of Six New Promising Advancing Treatments for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer as of the Beginning of June, 2010

As of today there are many different potential drugs undergoing phase III evaluations for men with advanced prostate cancer, some of them seem to offer great hope and promise. Considering we just had Provenge finally approved, this is great news. […]

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