Possible Protocols To Treat Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy is a very common problem for many of us as we go through a chemotherapy regime. Despite the large numbers of us who do suffer from this side effect there has been limited numbers of doctor suggested remedies. On the Malecare/ HealthUnlocked Advanced Prostate Cancer online support group there was [...]

Genetic Biomarker Predicts Peripheral Neuropathy Associated With Docetaxel Chemotherapy For Prostate Cancer

According to researchers at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, men with a mutation in their VAC14 gene are more susceptible to Docetaxil chemotherapy induced neuropathy and nerve pain. This debilitating side effect results from damage to the peripheral nerves and is felt by the man as weakness, numbness and pain most [...]

Using Low Dose Prednisone in First-Line Docetaxel Treatment Improves The Quality of Life (QoL) For Men With Prostate Cancer

Clinical trials are used to both demonstrate that a drug or treatment has efficacy (extends life or improves the quality of life). They also are used as the vehicle to obtain approval from the governmental body responsible for monitoring and approving their use. How the trial is set up will directly dictate the eventual approved [...]

Evaluating The Side Effects Of Docetaxel (Taxotere) vs Cabazitaxel (Jevtana)

Many men express great hesitation to move to chemotherapy with both docetaxel (taxotere) and cabazitaxel (Jevtana) because of the side effects which can include alopecia (hair loss), nail changes, neuropathy, and dysgeusia (a distortion of the sense of taste). A group of researchers hypothesized that the adverse side effects (AE) of these two chemotherapy drugs, [...]

The Well Reviewed Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer (A Survivor Perspective) Has Been Updated and is Now Available for a free Download

Somehow I have been negligent and not let people know that I have written and posted a major update of my “Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer.” As in the past, it is available as a free download from the Malecare web site. Helping me to update the book was prostate cancer survivor Craig Pynn and [...]

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