Usually around this time of the year I am excited about rolling into the fun of the fall, and the awesomeness of the Holiday Season in NYC. We already purchased Dev's Halloween costume, and we're trying to decide on which orchard we will be picking apples and pumpkins at this year. Fall really is [...]

By |2023-07-08T15:52:05-04:00September 26th, 2009|LIFE, NEWS - GOOD/BAD/UGLY, THE HOLIDAYS|2 Comments


These days it been?fashionable to say things like "now all people will be judged by the content of their character" and "America has changed forever." I'll buy the latter argument because it's?ambiguous enough to read anything you want into it. The former, however, I have laid?no false?claims to. In my own experience I still get [...]


I'm no Barack Obama, I know that very well. I find managing the finances of the school work at challenging enough. I couldn't imagine running any country much less?this country.?That said, I graciously?state with the utmost humility that?we both face similar challenges. Of course?the challenges I speak of are those of race in the United [...]

By |2020-02-04T10:23:58-05:00September 21st, 2008|NEWS - GOOD/BAD/UGLY, POLITICS, Uncategorized|17 Comments


There was a long moment in my life when I was certain I was going to run for City Council in my district here in New York. I decided against it once I realized that I like straight talk and transparency, and therefore could never be a politician. Nowadays I try to fight for strengthening [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:08-04:00April 20th, 2008|NEWS - GOOD/BAD/UGLY, POLITICS|2 Comments
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