REVIEW – Statins Boost Abiraterone (Zytiga) Activity in Prostate Cancer

Another piece of information from the recent ASCO GU conference in San Francisco Researchers have found that adding statin drugs may prolong the sensitivity of abiraterone acetate (Zytiga) in men with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) To assess the effect of statins on abiraterone therapy, Dr Harshman, of the Lank Center for Genitourinary Oncology at Dana-Farber [...]

On Hormone Therapy – To Statin Or Not, That Is The Question

JAMA Oncology has published a new study that suggests that adding a statin drug at the initiation of hormone therapy (ADT) to the treatment protocol for a man with progressive, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer may significantly impact their actual time to disease progression (TTP). Historically, we know Statin use has been associated with improved prostate cancer [...]

Statins Are Not Necessarily The Best Alternative To Control Cholesterol & Prostate Cancer Progression

On April 8th I post on this blog an article called The Cholesterol In Your Diet Might Be Causing Your Prostate Cancer To Spread ( Since I published this I have received some feedback, which has included people asking if they should take statins to control their cholesterol levels. Statin drugs do help control cholesterol [...]

The Cholesterol In Your Diet Might Be Causing Your Prostate Cancer To Spread

Research performed at the University of Queensland has shown that a diet, which is high in cholesterol, might increase the spread of prostate cancer tumors to lymph nodes, lungs and bones. According to the UQ Diamantina Institute study leader Dr Michelle Hill this research highlighted why it is important for men with prostate cancer to [...]

The Well Reviewed Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer (A Survivor Perspective) Has Been Updated and is Now Available for a free Download

Somehow I have been negligent and not let people know that I have written and posted a major update of my “Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer.” As in the past, it is available as a free download from the Malecare web site. Helping me to update the book was prostate cancer survivor Craig Pynn and [...]

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