It's amazing how?I can look up?every so often?and realize that?I haven't written a post in over a week! The new job has me busy. My boy says I'm always busy, so it must be true. Other than being a certified member of the rat race all is well. Anyway, that's not what this post is [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:57:13-04:00August 11th, 2008|POLITICS, RANDOM, Uncategorized|12 Comments


Today I asked my grandmother if she has ever sent a Father's Day card to my dad. Her response was "Why? He's not my daddy." I thought about that while I laughed at my no holds barred granny. Every year since I have become daddy my mother-in-law has sent me a card and I like [...]

By |2008-06-14T19:46:25-04:00June 14th, 2008|RANDOM, Uncategorized|13 Comments
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