The Well Reviewed Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer (A Survivor Perspective) Has Been Updated and is Now Available for a free Download

Somehow I have been negligent and not let people know that I have written and posted a major update of my “Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer.” As in the past, it is available as a free download from the Malecare web site. Helping me to update the book was prostate cancer survivor Craig Pynn and [...]

Bone-Anchored Sling for Male Stress Urinary Incontinence: Assessment of Complications

Researchers at the Department of Urology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan evaluated the complications associated with the male bone-anchored sling (BAS) to determine the appropriate preoperative counseling for men considering surgery. The BAS is a surgical option for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence (SUI) due to intrinsic sphincter deficiency. The researchers  reviewed 119 [...]

To Cure Urinary Incontinence: An Artifical Sphincter is Better than A Sling

Urinary incontinence is a common problem suffered by many of us post both surgery and radiation therapy for prostate cancer. The degree of incontinence varies from no problem all the way to having no control of the urinary function. Men having surgery find that as time progresses post treatment, they do regain levels of urinary [...]

The Adult Diaper

During the last two support meetings that Malecare has held in New York City, part of the conversation has turned to the topic of incontinence and diapers. We have a few members of the group who have had recent surgery and have been struggling with their inability to control their urine. Surgery, radiation and just [...]

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