Sorting Out the Recent Negative News about the Role of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in the Diet & Its Relationship to Prostate Cancer

The recent news is unavoidable, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, usually used by men with heart ailments and prostate cancer is tied to a 71% increase of developing prostate cancer and that the cancer is often an aggressive prostate cancer! A prospective study by scientists at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has confirmed the link between high [...]

A High Fiber Diet May Be Preventive to Prostate Cancer Progression

We are constantly hearing about possible ways to control prostate cancer through diet. Often, researchers point out that in Asian cultures, even in the cultures that have a similar rate of prostate cancer, the disease seems to progress in Western cultures, but not in the Asian cultures. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study published [...]

Managing Nausea & Increasing Appetite During Treatment – It’s Important

A very common side effect of any cancer treatment including chemotherapy (docetaxil for men with advanced prostate cancer) and radiation is nausea. In addition to feelings of nausea many men also experience a feeling of fullness, a change in the way foods taste and strong heartburn. If you have this experience let your doctor know [...]

So, Where Is Your Evidence – Is Our Propensity to Believe the Folk Law Wasting our Time & Money

Having hot flashes because of hormone deprivation therapy (ADT)? All of us dealing with advanced prostate cancer will be on ADT, it is the usual first line of therapy and it will continue until we die. Men who elect to have radiation to treat prostate cancer as their primary treatment modality will often have some [...]

From 2012 AACR Meeting – Resveratrol Effects Prostate Cancer Cells

Resveratrol (3,4’-trihydroxystilbene) is a natural product that can be found in significant concentrations food products like red wine, peanuts, walnuts etc. There have been some evidence that indicates that resveratrol has anti-tumorigenic activity, including in prostate cancer tumors. The precise mechanism associated with resveratrol-induced SIRT1 activation and cancer cell growth inhibition remains unclear, but we [...]

From the 2012 AACR Meeting – Pomegranate components modulate distinct pathways in prostate cancer cells

Pomegranate juice has long been in the folklore of prostate cancer survivors. Many of us use it with the goal of controlling our PSA. Most of the research evaluating the ability of pomegranate juice to control PSA has been funded by the juice manufacturers and must be looked at with skepticism. Dr. Radha Munagala and [...]

Starvation – A New Treatment for Advanced Prostate Cancer

What is the role of diet in the treatment of prostate cancer? We hear about changing our diet as a way to slow down prostate cancer progression and we hear about diet as a preventive measure against prostate cancer. It is possible that there could be a new twist on this story, in the future, [...]

Eating Eggs Increases the Chance of Developing Lethal Prostate Cancer

We all know that diet does effect the development of more lethal forms of prostate cancer. Red meat and dairy products are on the “NO” list while fish oil is a “YES”. Now, it looks as if the “NO” list has just been expanded! A large study has found that eating eggs may increase men's [...]

Genetics & Calcium Might Increase Risk for Prostate Cancer In the African-American Men

A study by at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem N.C., Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California (USC) and the Cancer Prevention Institute of California suggests that a high intake of calcium causes prostate cancer among African-American men who are genetically good absorbers of the mineral. According to Gary G. [...]

Statins & Prostate Cancer – Use Caution

There have been a number of recent studies that show that statins, (cholesterol lowering medications like Lipitor) can also lower PSA and even stop the progression of localized prostate cancer from progressing. I have not been able to locate any good study that does indicate that statin medications actually stop disease progression, however I am [...]

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