Study Shows that the Metastasis-Free Period Affects Prostate Cancer Patient Survival

A study from Michael T. Schweizer, MD, and colleagues at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Md. concluded that the longer the metastasis-free survival after a radical prostatectomy the longer overall survival in men who experience biochemical recurrence (PSA only recurrence) of their prostate cancer. This conclusion was made from a retrospectively study of 450 men [...]

Where We Choose to be Treated and Who Provides the Treatment Affects Our Chances Survival

How often have I said that when you are diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer or when you experience a recurrence you need to move on to a specialist, a medical oncologist who specializes in the treatment of men with advanced prostate cancer? It is easier and more comfortable to stay with the known doctor, the [...]

From ASCO: Liver Metastases And Its Prognostic Significance In Men With Metastatic Prostate Cancer

According to data presented at the 2012 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting in Chicago. (Abstract # 4655) the presences of liver metastases predicts shorter overall survival in men with metastatic castration-refractory prostate cancer (mCRPC). William Kevin Kelly, DO, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital and the Kimmel Cancer Center at Jefferson, and colleagues from the [...]

A Survival Advantage – Is It Worth It and What Does It Mean? When Economics Interface with Survival

In order to get FDA approval, drugs must first go through a clinical trial that demonstrates that they offer a better treatment result than the current standard of care. In some instances the better result can be a demonstration that the investigational drug provides an advantage which is only palliative (as Mitoxantrone does for advance [...]

The Long-Term Survival of Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Mike Scott who writes the THE “NEW” PROSTATE CANCER INFOLINK today published an excellent summary/discussion about survival time for men with metastatic prostate cancer. He presents a synopsis about anticipated survival going back to the late 1980s and brings the conversation up to our current condition. He reminds us that our next big step will [...]

Provenge, It Isn’t Over Priced, Its Actually A Bargain Basement Product

There remain for many people questions about Provenge. The most common question I hear is about the financial cost of the treatment for what has been described as “only 4 months of life extension for $93,000, is it worth it?” Well, the answer is a clear yes! […]

Younger Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer Die Earlier from the Cancer

A paradoxical, but logical finding, indicates that I am more likely to die from prostate cancer than my fellow pc survivors. In the world of prostate cancer I am a young man. I was diagnosed at 50 years and suffered a recurrence at 55 years, in the prostate cancer world this makes me a young [...]

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