The mission of the Environmental Working Group (EWG) ( is to use the power of public information to protect public health and the environment.

Their research is designed to bring to light unsettling facts that we all have a right to know, but has been kept hidden from us. Its goals are to shame polluters and their lobbyists; to rattle politicians to shape public policy and regulations; as well as to provide practical information you can use to protect your family and community.

Many of us with prostate cancer have made great efforts to change our diet. We have given up red meat and dairy products, use olive oil, reduce our consumption of processed sugars etc. Along with the diet modifications, we have added many supplements to our daily routine, all with the hope of supporting our immune system and controlling our PSA.

There is a growing agreement among scientists that even small amounts of pesticides adversely affect all of us and specifically the weakest. When we are under treatment and when we are attempting to battle cancer we are even more vulnerable to the negative effects of pesticides.

Attempts to eliminate pesticides by washing and peeling our fruits will only reduce our exposure, not eliminate it. It can also reduce the valuable nutrients we are attempting to eat by washing them down the drain.

Among the research performed by EWG is an analysis of pesticide load in the fruits and vegetables we consume. EWG has developed a valuable guide to 43 common fruits and vegetables. It has ranked their pesticide content from the very worse to the best. (Peaches have the worse pesticide load while onions have the lowest load.) The complete guide can be found at

If you buy organic food, you will be able to avoid any pesticide load. However, if you are not able to buy organic this guide should help you to reduce the pesticide load you consume.

Joel T Nowak MA, MSW