Intermittent Hormone Therapy Versus Continuous Hormone Therapy: a Meta-Analysis

Intermittent hormone therapy (IHT) as opposed to continuous hormone therapy (CHT) provides a better quality of life (QoL) for men with locally advanced prostate cancer. However, there is a debate created by a few major research protocols that have been inconclusive as to the difference in achieving the ultimate goal, survival despite prostate cancer. Researchers [...]

Chemotherapy in Very Elderly Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Clinical trials for treatment of men with advanced prostate cancer often don’t include men who are considered very elderly (aged over 80 years). So, even if we know that a treatment is tolerable and effective in the average man, we can not assume that it would also be in the very elderly, especially in reference [...]

Role of Anxiety Reduction in Men with a Prostate Cancer Recurrence

Increasingly, we have become better informed about the possible role of psychological and spiritual interventions in the treatment of cancer, specifically for this post in men with locally advanced prostate cancer. This post is limited to just discussing the possible interventions specifically in men with a Biochemical Prostate Cancer Recurrence, commonly referred to as a [...]

Is Provenge for you?

Provenge, despite its demonstrated survival advantage, continues to be knocked as a viable treatment for men with castrate-resistant prostate cancer. What is Provenge? Provenge is immunotherapy for men with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer. In other words, Provenge might help men live longer after their cancer has spread outside of the prostate and are no [...]

On Hormone Therapy – To Statin Or Not, That Is The Question

JAMA Oncology has published a new study that suggests that adding a statin drug at the initiation of hormone therapy (ADT) to the treatment protocol for a man with progressive, hormone-sensitive prostate cancer may significantly impact their actual time to disease progression (TTP). Historically, we know Statin use has been associated with improved prostate cancer [...]

A Step Towards Understanding How To Get A Fair Value For The Dollars Spent For Advanced Prostate Cancer Treatment

In the treatment of prostate cancer the first very expensive drug we had that was FDA approved was Provenge, with an initial cost of $93,000 for a one-month’s treatment protocol. Today, the cost is in excess of $106,000. According to the phase III clinical trial result Provenge extends life by a median of 4.1 months, [...]

Is Advanced Prostate Cancer Changing? The Evolution of Metastatic Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer And The Need To Make Some Research Changes

Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) is known as a cancer that more often than not metastasizes to the bone. Less often it moves to nonosseous sites (soft tissue sites like lymph nodes, liver and lung). The last few years has seen the development of new drugs that extend the survival of men. Because of these [...]

Understanding Some Of The Disparity Issues Surrounding Prostate Cancer

According to Malecare, Prostate Cancer kills Black men as a rate that is 2.4 times that for White men. According to the Men’s Health Foundation Ghana “1 in 5 Ghanaian men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.”(1) The Prostate Cancer UK also said “1 in 4 black men will get prostate cancer in their [...]

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