Obama Says “Men, You Don’t Count” As He Eliminates All Prostate Cancer Funding From His Proposed 2016 Budget At The CDC

Men, you don’t count! You have NO VALUE! That is the absolute truth according to President Obama. Just released budget documents from the President proposed budget for 2016 recommends that ALL CDC funding for Prostate Cancer be eliminated! Let me make this clear, no, the President is not recommending that Prostate Cancer funds be cut, [...]

By |2021-02-17T10:29:53-05:00February 5th, 2015|Advanced Prostate Cancer, Screening, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Metastatic Prostate Cancer Mortality Rates Unchanged – But Fewer Men Are Becoming Metastatic

The PSA controversy continues to plague men’s health. The United States Preventive Task Force’s recommendation against using the PSA blood test as a screening tool for prostate cancer (PCa) will bring additional harms to men. Since the beginning of PSA testing the mortality rate from prostate cancer has declined significantly, but there has been no [...]

An Email & A Response About Prostate Cancer & Family History

I received an email from a lady from Australia that I though would be informative to share. It discusses genetic links and risk factors for hormonally related (including prostate) cancers: HER EMAIL TO ME Hi there :) I hope you don't mind me emailing you? I'm a lady from Australia and have 3 uncles with [...]

No PSA Test Means More Men will be Diagnosed with A Terminal Illness, Advanced Prostate Cancer

Finally, we are getting a little common sense discussion about the role of PSA screening. Not to beat a dead horse, but as we all know the United Sates Preventive Task Force (USPTF) changed their rating of the PSA test from a D to a F. The result of this change is that many doctors, [...]

FDA Approves the PHI Test to Screen for Prostate Cancer

Not in the normal realm of advanced prostate cancer, but important for the prostate cancer world is the news that the FDA has approved a new screening test for prostate cancer. The currently used screening tool, the PSA has only a 55% accuracy rate and as recently run into serious trouble with The U.S. Preventive [...]

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