Problems With Health Insurance Coverage?

I just wrote a note to a man who was having trouble with his health insurance coverage.  He was trying to switch carriers, but no one would take him because of his "preexisting condition".  A lot of states have laws to protect people in this situation.  One resource is, which has extensive coverage of the [...]

By |2020-02-04T10:16:43-05:00April 4th, 2008|Resources/Links|0 Comments

Must-See TV

  Prostate problems mailing list ( moderator Charles Clausen posted this: "Prostate surgeon Patrick Walsh of Johns Hopkins will be interviewed on the Charlie Rose show on PBS, Monday, March 31. My local station usually shows Charlie Rose at 11 p.m., with repeat around noon on weekdays."  [In New York the show is rebroadcast at 1 [...]

By |2020-02-04T11:06:45-05:00March 29th, 2008|Resources/Links|0 Comments

Find Your Soulmate Today

Am passing on these useful tips from Darryl Mitteldorf at, which sponsors this blog:  "Prostate Cancer survivors often find Valentine's Day a time of unusual stress.  Whether they're single, dating or happy in romance, this day excites a sense of belonging that may be challenged by stressors associated with a cancer diagnosis. So, what better gift can we [...]

By |2021-11-04T10:13:58-04:00February 14th, 2008|Resources/Links, Sexuality and Intimacy|0 Comments

Before You Rush Into Surgery . . .

Hi Folks, Prostate surgery, especially, robotic, is fast becoming the one-size-fits-all treatment recommendation for newly diagnosed patients. I suggest you don't rush into surgery or anything else. The first thing to do is assemble a brain trust, i.e., put together a list of the the best doctors in the world that you have access to. [...]

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