Chef Hughie’s Canned Salmon Treats

  My dear friend, Hugh Kearnley, an award-winning chef, sent me these recipes. Canned (wild) salmon is a good and a cheap way to get needed vitamin D and fish oils. Hughie, unfortunately, died last September, but he will live on through his tasty treats. I am leaving in some of Hughie's commentary so you can [...]

By |2020-02-04T09:49:23-05:00March 5th, 2008|Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|0 Comments

ASCO Report Underscores Potential Benefits of Radiation After Surgery, Even for High-Risk Cases

The American Society of Clinical Oncology recently held their annual conference, and it has generated a lott of buzz in the online PC community.  There is so much news coming out of this meeting, it is overloading my mailbox.  So I will try to present a few of these stories as best as I can. The following article touts the benefits [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:35-04:00February 18th, 2008|Articles of Interest, Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|0 Comments

Prostate Cancer Testing: The “PSA Monster”

I am just coming off a 2-day "PSA-Dread" hangover.  What that means is that we went to see DH's radiation oncologist at Sloan-Kettering (MSK) on Tuesday to see whether his salvage radiation (sRT = radiation after failed surgery) had worked.   You know that feeling of anguish that builds up as "D-Day" draws near.  Your mind twists itself into [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:39-04:00February 7th, 2008|Healing the Mind, Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|0 Comments

Before You Rush Into Surgery . . .

Hi Folks, Prostate surgery, especially, robotic, is fast becoming the one-size-fits-all treatment recommendation for newly diagnosed patients. I suggest you don't rush into surgery or anything else. The first thing to do is assemble a brain trust, i.e., put together a list of the the best doctors in the world that you have access to. [...]

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