The Eighth Birthday of the Fatherdad Blog

On this day eight years ago I made my first post on That was the first ever post by a black "daddy blogger." I searched high and low for one before I determined that I was it. I think that post is a hilariously bad and somewhat profound (and very much unnoticed) internet milestone. [...]

By |2020-02-04T11:53:57-05:00May 7th, 2014|FUTURE, PAST, PRESENT|0 Comments


I don't know where the time goes! At some point I looked up and a crazy amount of time had passed by. I feel like I have been constantly working doing presentations, writing, and networking yet nothing is happening aside from, or is as certain as, the passage of time. All of my efforts despite [...]

By |2022-08-25T16:54:25-04:00March 28th, 2012|Black Dad Connection, FUTURE|0 Comments


I know we are all busy. For some reason people in this country (at least those of us in the Northeast) think that every minute of every day should be filled with stuff. If we have a minute we start to wonder why we didn't book it, then to make sure that it's covered we [...]

By |2023-07-08T15:52:05-04:00August 13th, 2009|FUTURE, LIFE, RANDOM|4 Comments
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