“Prostate Cancer: Men Deserve Better”

I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments expressed in the article Prostate Cancer: Men Deserve Better, European Association of Urology, March 17, 2009 (exerpts below). . But talk is cheap. The question is, how do we bring about real change (change we can believe in!)? That's a lot to ask -- but heck, we are worth [...]

Meet Dear Husband’s Girlfriend!

A bit of black spandex with a woman attached to it.   110 lbs., maybe. Blonde curly hair,  nice face, slim, bronzed, freckled. This is Dear Husband's (DH) new "girlfriend".  I'll call her "Irene".  Irene has attached herself to Ted, like crazy glue!  She's a friend of a friend; that's how we got to know her.  And [...]

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