Excessive Alcohol Consumption May Lead to Increased Cancer Risk

The question: Can heavy alcohol consumption accelerate telomere shortening & does telomere shortening cause premature aging and an increased cancer risk? Many of us like to drink alcoholic beverages. I confess, I too enjoy red wind have been known to enjoy a single malt scotch on occasion. However, we always need to remember that excessive [...]

Potential Attenuation of Disease Progression in Recurrent Prostate Cancer With Plant-Based Diet and Stress Reduction

There is a constant debate; will diet modifications assist men in dealing with advanced prostate cancer? Most of us believe that it will; now there has been a small study that supports this belief. The onset of advanced prostate cancer is signaled by a rising prostate-specific antigen level (PSA) after pimary treatment. A rising PSA [...]

Coffee, Coffee – I Need My Cup of Coffee!

Many of us once considered drinking coffee nothing but a bad habit, but now it looks as if drinking coffee is actually a good thing for us. Researchers are finding more and more benefits from drinking coffee, from preventing cancer to fighting fatigue. […]

Vegetable Compound Sensitizes Prostate Cancer, Especially During Chemotherapy

More news from the AACR Annual Meeting Cruciferous vegetables, we all know them and some of us love them. What we know is that they need to form a part of the standard prostate cancer diet, but some early research shows that a substance found in the them can make prostate cancer cells even more [...]

Watch This Informative Video About Advanced Prostate Cancer & Bone Health

Thanks to Kathy Meade, I just viewed an exceptional video about advanced prostate cancer. It also includes information on bone health, screening, research, the need for funding and the history of prostate cancer treatment. All advocates and men with prostate cancer should learn something by watching the video. The following is the link: http://www.itvisus.com/programs/hbhm/index.asp#ooid=Iza2VhMTqn-tHgaxfstDRMBJ 1b12EW7i [...]

Diet and Lifestyle Still Top Bone Loss Prevention Strategies

According to a new position paper from the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), despite all the new drugs that are available, diet and lifestyle should remain the first osteoporosis management tool. Only after diet and lifestyle has failed should any of the newly approved treatment options to prevent osteoporosis be considered. […]

U.S. fish Oil Makers & Drugstores Sued Over Supplements

According to Reuters a group of three non-profits, including a California nonprofit organization, has filed papers suing fish oil manufacturers and pharmacies that sell the popular supplement, fish oil. They the manufacturers and pharmacies did not properly disclose the toxicity of the fish oil. The legal claim, filed Tuesday in a San Francisco Superior Court, [...]

Active DHA & Its Derivatives – Fish Oil And Prostate Cancer – Eat Your Fish

We have had fish oil on our must consume list for many years, now there might be some additional data confirming this long known recommendation. Research published in the March 2010 print edition of the FASEB Journal reports that scientists have show that the omega-3 fatty acid, “docosahexaenoic acid” or “DHA,” and its derivatives in [...]

Organically Grown Food Not Nutritionally Better Than Conventionally Grown

Many of us go off to the grocery store and willing spend much more money for organically grown food thinking that the nutritional value of this food will be better. A recent review of the literature calls this assumption into question. The study published July 29 in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says there [...]

What is a Good Prostate Cancer Diet?

What is a good prostate cancer diet? In reality, there is no overwhelming, big sample size studies that we can point to that provides actual scientific, statistically significant evidence of being the “best.” However, many small studies point to the better diet (better than the typical western diet full of red meat and processed sugars). [...]

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