I'm not sure if Dev is turning five or 25 next week. The kid really thinks he's grown. He's also kind of funny and cute. I think I'll keep him. Here are three things that fly off the top of my head that he's said over the last three weeks. I'm not sure why they [...]

By |2008-04-23T20:42:50-04:00April 23rd, 2008|CONVERSATIONS WITH MY DEV|5 Comments


So I'm walking around the house sans shirt yesterday after a midday shower. The Dev stops me in my tracks and starts staring at my belly. Without a word he commences to poking. and squeezing, and pinching my blubber. He is not smiling. His facial expression is reminiscent of a doctor performing a checkup and [...]

By |2008-04-07T08:07:36-04:00April 7th, 2008|CONVERSATIONS WITH MY DEV|7 Comments


The other day my wife went to her grandmother and aunt's apartment to pick Dev up from a sleepover. When she arrived at their home Mama did what all of our elders do - she started to size-up her granddaughter in her unique playful way. She commented on how my wife has put some "meat [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:58:33-04:00February 23rd, 2008|CONVERSATIONS WITH MY DEV|4 Comments


Clearly my son is the light of my life. He's the reason this blog exists and a big reason why I get up in the morning. HOWEVER, the kid is a little nutty. I think that four years old is an age for nuttiness and he does not disappoint. Here are some "Devinisms" that add [...]

By |2020-02-04T10:31:47-05:00February 17th, 2008|CONVERSATIONS WITH MY DEV|6 Comments
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