Ok, it wasn’t a big barbecue.  In fact it was just me, Shalawn and Devin.  And that’s how I like it. 

Yesterday, I pulled my little platic BBQ table out of the attic and scrubbed it down.  Then I pulled the grill out from behind the garage where it sat uncovereved and unloved through a harsh winter.  I was surprised to find it in better shape than I could have hoped.  Then I dragged the wife and kid outside to watch a real man cook with fire.  (By the way, gas grills are for wimps, it always has been and always will be coal and wood for me.) Devin, about 10 months older than the last time I grilled, was much more manageable, in part because now he has better control of his arms and legs and does not fall as much.  He’s still not very good at listening, but he does understand the concept of “hot fire.”  I barbecued cajun chicken, babyback ribs, bacon and bleu cheese burgers, chicken sausage, red potatoes, and corn on the cobb.  When it was all said and done there was enough food for about 10 other people.  But we did not need 10 other people to eat our food.  We had each other and we have leftovers for today (and probably tomorrow). 

Every barbecue does not need to be a show.  Sometimes it’s better for just you and the family you made to take some time out to connect over some good food.  There will be plenty of days this summer for you to invite friends over to eat, drink and be merry, but don’t forget that your most important guests may already live in your house.  And one of them can be assigned to make the macaroni salad and corn bread!Â