Those are the words of Warren Buffet, and from what has been published about his prostate cancer, he might be in a better seat if he was in one of those dry spells re ideas about treatment… and I keep pulling my hair out wondering what national advocacy groups are doing. Will they rise to the challenge and approach Mr. Buffet with an incredible opportunity… learn more about his disease before subjecting himself to side-effects and the possibility of life-shortening treatment toxicity?  Or raise his level of decision making awareness to the point that he might educate other men who are diagnosed as well as he does investors?  I mean, it would be a real shame if the only thing anybody asked him for was money and to talk about screening and how happy he is that he (perhaps) underwent a treatment he did not need…

“Economic medicine that was previously meted out by the cupful has recently been dispensed by the barrel. These once unthinkable dosages will almost certainly bring on unwelcome after-effects. Their precise nature is anyone’s guess, though one likely consequence is an onslaught of inflation.”

-Warren Buffet