What Are The Negative Prognostic Factors You Should Know When You Have A Biochemical Prostate Cancer Occurrence

Knowing the negative prognostic factors for successful treatment when you have a   a biochemical recurrence (PSA only) of your prostate cancer is important. These factors can help you make your treatment decisions because they assist you in evaluating your possible clinical outcome. In a single institutional review of  negative prognostic outcomes of salvage radiotherapy in [...]

What Is The Best Treatment For Oligo-Recurrent Prostate Cancer – A Literature Review

When I had my prostate cancer recurrence it was characterized by a PSA in the mid 80s and a few positive lymph nodes showing on scans. My situation (oligo-recurrent prostate cancer) was described in a recent literature review called Salvage Therapy of Small Volume Prostate Cancer Nodal Failures: A Review of the Literature. The review [...]

Elective Radiation of Pelvic Lymph Nodes During Salvage Radiotherapy Post Prostatectomy – Does It Work?

When facing a post prostatectomy biochemical failure (PSA only failure) the best way to treat is still not known. Preliminary data from Johns Hopkins [1] and Duke Universities[2] have recently provided some of the earliest evidence that salvage radiotherapy may prolong overall survival versus delay of intervention until time of symptomatic progression. Despite [...]

Salvage Radiotherapy after High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for Recurrent Localized Prostate Cancer

HIFU has been a common primary prostate cancer treatment in Europe for quite a while. Currently, in the United States, there are a number of clinical trial sites evaluating HIFU as a primary treatment. Like all other primary treatments there is a significant failure rate causing men to move on to salvage therapy. In Europe [...]

Salvage Radiotherapy (SRT) After High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for Recurrent Localized Prostate Cancer

The use of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) for the primary treatment of prostate cancer will probably become more common in the very near future. HIFU has been used for many years in Europe and Mexico and has recently been in clinical trials in the United States. HIFU has been a successful method of prostate cancer [...]

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