The Department of Defense manages a significant fund given by congress
to finance high risk and high impact research. One of the specific
diseases that is funded is prostate cancer. In my personal opinion this particular program has had a significant effect on our lives.

Unfortunately, prostate cancer has continued to take a back seat to many other diseases. For three years running prostate cancer has not received any increase in funding while most other diseases have consistently had significant funding increases.

Why is this happening, there is a simple answer. We have not made our voice heard. Congress (your representatives for whom you vote) have not heard from us. We have failed to ask them to support increased funding for the DOD program.

A number of prostate cancer organizations have banded together (this alone is an unusual feat) to ask that we all contact our individual members of congress to support an increase in funding for the Congressionally Director Department of Defense Program, specifically for prostate cancer.

We have designed and put up a web page for you


Just click the link, enter your zip code, check that you want your letter to go to both of your senators and your congressional representative. Sign the letter (which has already been written for you or edit it) and send it on its way.

Please take this request seriously and go to the site. Let the members of congress know that this is an important matter to you and to your family. Ask your friends and family to go to the site.

Joel T Nowak MA, MSW