Father’s Day. A day when many of us dads are reminded of our second-class status compared to moms. However, in keeping with my push toward positivity I’m not going to expound on that idea, or mention any of the following in this post:

  • How my son’s school did not have a Father’s Day show, though they had one for Mother’s Day.
  • How there was a big seafood bash at my grandmother’s house for Mother’s Day, but there’s nothing planned for today to honor the handful of dads in my extended family.
  • How I received no cards in the mail, just the ones handed to me from my wife and son (I do love appreciate them!).
  • How much my back hurts.

You will not hear me complain about any of that. In fact I’d rather say thank you for all of the thought-provoking and insightful comments on my previous post. I also wanted to thank you all for being so supportive of this blog and it’s efforts to dispel some of the myths, stereotypes, and negativity that surrounds black fatherhood in the U.S. I am truly grateful for the 15,000+ visitors I get every month and all the new cyber friends that I make everyday.

And finally I want to say Happy Father’s Day to all the dads that can’t be home with their kids today (trying on neckties) because they are on active duty overseas serving this country, locked-up for non-violent offenses, being kept away by their baby mamas even though they want to be involved in the lives of their children, and all the other dynamic dads out there.

(Speaking of “dynamic dads,” please take a moment today in between dad worship to visit http://theblogfathers.com. The Blogfathers is a group of dads that I’ve been blogging with for the last few months. Today, on our day, we put up our first collaborative post. And yes, I’m pretty sure I’m “the black guy.”)