
Time flies. I know it’s cliche to say that but it’s true. When I started this blog my son had just turned three. He was such a handful that I had to write about it. Now he’s seven, a handful in a much different way, and FatherDad is 4. Four years on the internet is pretty good, all things considered. People come and go daily in cyberspace. I’m glad to still be here. I know I have told the following story at least once here, but since I can’t remember the last time I told it and it is my anniversary here is goes again…

When I first started blogging before we decided on the need and a name for the blog I Googled the terms Black Dad, Black Father, African American Dad, and African American Father. Those search terms turned up porn. Yes, if a child or teen was doing a report on anything involving the state of black fatherhood in America they would have found pornography. I find that to be absurd and disturbing to this day. Now, and for the last four years, you’ve gotten me. Sure as Google has grown more sophisticated over the years you don’t get much porn in your searches anymore (unless that’s what you are looking for of course). But to see that I have had a tiny impact on the internet (very tiny in the world of mega blogs like Perez Hilton and the huge blog collaborations onThe Huffington Post) makes me kind of proud. It was a quiet victory in a world that all too often writes off dads in general as “the babysitter” and black dads as non-existent.

I still have plenty of work to do. I have been coaching parents of all races and religions for almost a year and really trying my best to help families grow and find their joy. I may not post to this blog as much as I once did before Dev reached an age where he can read and discuss what I wrote, but I still post. This blog lives in my heart and has nourished my soul over the years. And I thank you all with humility, respect, and gratitude for reading. Cheers to four years of African American Dad at!!!