Prostate Cancer SATURN Trial, a Phase 3 Trial in Men with Metastatic Prostate Cancer

A new phase 3, registration trial has been announced by OncoGenex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. of its investigational drug custirsen sodium (OGX-011/TV-1011). The trial, for men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) is referred to as the Prostate Cancer SATURN Trial. This randomized, controlled, trial will include approximately 50 cancer centers and is planned to enroll [...]

Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan®) -Another Possible 2nd Line Chemotherapy for HRPC After Docetaxil Failure

Researchers, Nelius T, Klatte T, de Riese W, Haynes A, Filleur S. from the Department of Urology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX. studied the efficacy of cyclophosphamide (CP)-based metronomic chemotherapy in men who have docetaxel-resistant hormone-refractory prostate cancer (HRPC). […]

The FDA Approves Jevtana (Cabazitaxe) For Use After Chemotherapy Failure

Hot off the press- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Sanofi-Aventis SA's new chemotherapy drug for advanced prostate cancer. The drug, Jevtana (cabazitaxe) extended by nearly 2-1/2 months the lives of men with prostate cancer tumors that resist standard treatment with hormones as well as chemotherapy. The drug will be used after [...]

The Question, When to Use A Treatment & What Drugs Should Be Combined?

The approval of Provenge has once again brought to the forefront the very important questions about the proper timing of treatments as well as the issue concerning how to combine therapies to maximize survival. We have, although there numbers are limited, different treatments that are used for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, but we [...]

Prostate Cancer Deaths Predicted to Rise By 17 Percent in 2010 !

Did you hear the news? These alarming 2010 projections for prostate cancer deaths were just released. Isn't it nice that they were released just prior to Father’s Day, so have a happy Father’s Day. These projections call for a massive 17 % increase in prostate cancer caused deaths as well as a more than 13 [...]

Impact of Androgen Blockade on Overall Survival – Is There Any and When Should We Start?

For years there remains this terrible hidden question, does an androgen blockade (ADT) provide any survival advantage to men with early advanced prostate cancer? We do know that ADT will have a significant negative impact on ones life, this is guaranteed. We do know that if we go on a blockade our life will change. [...]

Risk of Thromboembolic Diseases in Men with Prostate Cancer

We all have been warned about the potential risk that hormone therapy (ADT) can cause to our heart and vascular health. A report from Lancet Oncology confirmed that men with prostate cancer living in Sweden when on hormonal therapies significantly increase their risk for experiencing a thromboembolic disease event. […]

Tasquinimod – An Anti-Angiogenesis Drug That Delays Prostate Cancer Progression

Johns Hopkins, Roswell Park Cancer Institute and Duke University have announced data at the ASCO meeting in Chicago from a 200 man phase II clinical trial of a blood vessel-blocking drug called tasquinimod. This “anti-angiogenesis” drug constricts the blood supply to prostate tumors by blocking new blood vessel development. The study showed that tasquinimod slowed [...]

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