How Quickly You Might Die From Advanced Prostate Cancer Depends On What Organs Are Involved

Researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute along with other cancer centers, in the largest analysis of its kind have found that the organ site where prostate cancer spreads has a direct impact on a man’s survival. They found that men with lymph-only metastasis statistically have the longest overall survival possibility, while those with liver involvement [...]

Bald and More Likely To Die From Prostate Cancer!

There have been a number of studies that have linked male pattern baldness with a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. A possible explanation for why baldness is a risk factor for the development of prostate cancer is that hormones play a role in both baldness and in prostate cancer. We known that baldness joins [...]

Can PARP Inhibitors Like Olaparib Provide Life Extension For Men With Early Disease?

The drugs called PARP inhibitors have been increasing discussed in the world of prostate cancer. There is every good reason to believe that we will continue to hear more about them and for certain select men with prostate cancer they will probably become a part of their treatment. In a recent paper published in the [...]

A New Model To Fight Prostate Cancer Coming In New Zealand & Australia

It has been announced that two important players in the fight against prostate cancer in New Zealand and Australia, ANZUP Cancer Trials Group (ANZUP) and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) will work together to fund and implement new clinical trials. ANZUP, which is one of the leading collaborative trials group for urogenital and [...]

Radiation Burn – What It Is And How To Deal With It

All Radiation therapy for cancer treatment, including both primary and adjuvant, is non-specific and kills not only cancer cells that it is targeting, but also healthy cells that happen to be in the target area. A common side effect on healthy cells is radiation burn. Radiation burn is characterized with skin, within the target area, [...]

Some Tricks To Help You Maintain Adequate Nutrition When On Chemotherapy

Having chemotherapy causes all sorts of strains and difficulties. One almost universal side effect from chemotherapy is the difficulty many of us face in getting enough nutrition. Nutrition comes from eating food yet many of us just don't feel hungry so eating is difficult. We lose our appetite, food tastes terrible and we battle nausea. [...]

The Benefit of Using Local Prostate Cancer Therapy for Men with Lymph Node Positive Disease

In an issue of ONCOLOGY, there was a review of the literature provides us with a comprehensive review of the limited literature on management of men with prostate cancer who have pelvic lymph node involvement but no known distant metastatic disease at diagnosis. Common folklore has been that these men, with limited pelvic lymph node [...]

PSA Tests Cut Metastatic Prostate Cancer Rates by Half

Screening for early prostate cancer detection may reduce the rate of newly diagnosed  metastatic disease. In a published study researchers evaluated the incidence of a men receiving a diagnosis of metastatic prostate cancer at their initial prostate cancer diagnosis using data extracted from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program database. Their analysis was [...]

The Impact of Co-morbidity on Outcomes in Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer Treated with Chemotherapy (Docetaxel)

Side effects, or what are known as co-morbidities, often discourage men who have metastatic prostate cancer from continuing with chemotherapy (docetaxel). The question often asked is there a relationship between having side effects and the ultimate efficacy of the chemotherapy? In other words does having side effects have an effect on overall survival? To answer [...]

ZYTIGA – Potential Dosing Error – IMPORTANT

Error in ZYTIGA® Beginning Your Treatment Brochure It has come to Malecare's attention that the dosing schedule for ZYTIGA® (abiraterone acetate) is incorrectly described in the ZYTIGA® Beginning Your Treatment brochure. Please destroy the ZYTIGA® Beginning Your Treatment brochure and the ZYTIGA® Resource Kit. It contains inaccurate dosing information. Please ask your doctor, today, to ensure that you understand the appropriate dosing for ZYTIGA®. The recommended [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:46:38-04:00February 12th, 2016|Advanced Prostate Cancer, Uncategorized|4 Comments
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