Startling Fact: PSA Testing Frequency Changes PSA Doubling Time – A Time Honored Surrogate Biomarker is Not Valid!

In our quest to understand our prostate cancer we have developed many “measures” of our disease aggressiveness and progression.  Many of these measures are generally accepted has valid, but many have never been validated. One example is the prognostic nature of PSA Doubling Time (PSADT) in men with biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (BRPC or PSA [...]

Start A Cure Successfully Funds Its First Project – A Disparities Research Project from Johns Hopkins University

When I opened my computer this afternoon I checked the Malecare prostate cancer crowd-funding site to see how things were going. To my great pleasure I discovered that Start A Cure ( had achieved it first funding success! Sometime in the early afternoon some very kind individual made the pledge that completed the funding goal [...]

Using Circulating Tumor Cells as a Prognostic Tool – Better than PSA

Better prediction tools to predict treatment outcome in men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) should significantly improve treatment outcomes. Without good predictive measures we often don't know when is the optimum time to stop a therapy and move to another. This means that we might maturely stop an effective treatment losing the effectiveness of [...]

StartACure – Now is the Time to Step Up and Start A Cure for Prostate Cancer

Today’s post will be a little admonishment of you, my loyal readers. So, please be open-minded and think about what I have to say to you. A number of months ago I mentioned the new prostate cancer research-funding project we have embarked upon, Start A Cure ( For those of you who might have missed [...]

Dr. Francis Collins (NIH) Speaks About the Cancer Funding Predicament We Face

A post from Alan on the Advanced Prostate Cancer On-Line Support Group shared a link, which should interest all of us. It should interest us all because it will have an effect on each and every one of us, whether we are a prostate cancer survivor, if we become one in the future. Actually the [...]

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