Post Your Comments About PSA Testing With The USPSTF

It is important that we all add comments to the “Opportunity for Public Comment – Screening for Prostate Cancer: USPSTF Recommendation Statement DRAFT at the following URL I chose to make the following comments: […]

To Treat or Not To Treat, That Is The Question

There are no right or wrong answers for men with prostate cancer when trying to decide what treatment to have, or even if they want to have treatment. One vital piece of information that is often left out of the equation is the chance of dying from prostate cancer if a man chooses not to [...]

Prostate Cancer Deaths Predicted to Rise By 17 Percent in 2010 !

Did you hear the news? These alarming 2010 projections for prostate cancer deaths were just released. Isn't it nice that they were released just prior to Father’s Day, so have a happy Father’s Day. These projections call for a massive 17 % increase in prostate cancer caused deaths as well as a more than 13 [...]

Mammograms vs PSA Testing – What A Surprise As Men Lose Again

On this blog I have tried to be minimally involved in writing about the PSA screening controversy, but I find it is getting hard to continue to avoid the issue. As I ate my breakfast this morning I was reading the New York Times and came upon the article “Quandary with Mammograms: Get a Screening, [...]

Younger Men With Advanced Prostate Cancer Have A Shorter Lifespan

Advanced prostate cancer poses a deadly paradox for younger men (aged 35 to 44 years). Younger men diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer will have a shorter remaining life span than older men who develop the disease, despite the fact that in general younger men have a much lower risk of dying from prostate cancer. Daniel [...]

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