Excessive Alcohol Consumption May Lead to Increased Cancer Risk

The question: Can heavy alcohol consumption accelerate telomere shortening & does telomere shortening cause premature aging and an increased cancer risk? Many of us like to drink alcoholic beverages. I confess, I too enjoy red wind have been known to enjoy a single malt scotch on occasion. However, we always need to remember that excessive [...]

Surgical Management with Hormone Therapy of Lymph-Node-Positive Prostate Cancer Improves Local Control

Diagnosed with lymph-node positive prostate cancer, what are the best treatment options?  Should you add surgery to hormone therapy? These are important questions which have not yet been adequately answered. To help to begin to answer this question, researchers at Department of Urologic Oncology, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Tampa, FL. and [...]

Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer – A Tough Disease To Treat

We are finding that there are many different types of prostate cancer, all of them are actually different diseases. At Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital, New York City, they recently announced that, based on genetic analysis, they have identified 23 different types of prostate cancer. One of these cancer types is neuroendocrine prostate cancer which is [...]

BRCA2 Mutation Indicates Shorter Survival in Men with Prostate Cancer

A study performed in the UK, reported in the British Journal Cancer (2010), showed that men who have a deleterious germ-line mutation in the breast cancer 2 (BRCA2) gene and who have prostate cancer do not survive as long as men with prostate cancer who are non-carriers. There have been earlier studies that have shown [...]

Does Androgen Deprivation Treatment (ADT) in Men with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy have a Clinical Benefit?

Is there any reason to continue hormone therapy (ADT) while I have become castrate resistant and I’m starting chemotherapy? This is a common question that is asked by many of us. The real underlying question we are asking is: I feel so terrible now and I am getting ready to add chemotherapy with all of [...]

Caution, Common Medications Impact PSA Measurments

There have been a number of studies that have suggested that some common medications will alter prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA., investigated the impact of individual and combinations of common medications thought to impact PSA in a large cross-sectional study of the United States population. [...]

Androgen Deprivation (ADT) and Its Anti-vascular Effects: An in Vivo Human Study

We all know that hormone therapy (ADT2) stops the production of testosterone and blocks the little testosterone that might still be produced from entering into the prostate cancer cell to “feed” the cancer. There have been a number of studies that have investigated and concluded that ADT not only stops testosterone, but also has anti-vascular [...]

A Systematic Review – Does Local Treatment of the Prostate in Advanced and/or Lymph Node Metastatic Disease Improve Efficacy of Androgen-Deprivation Therapy?

One of the largest and most controversial issues for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer is the value of androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT). Most doctors use ADT as their pivotal initial treatment in the management of locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer (PCa). But, the grand question is does it extend survival? […]

Degarelix Shows Promise as Second-Line Hormonal Therapy for Men With Prostate Cancer

When Degarelix (FIRMAGON) which is a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor blocker was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) I contacted Ferring Pharmaceuticals and spoke with their medical director. I asked if Degarelix could be used as a second line hormone therapy drug after the traditional first line GnRH agonist drugs (Lupron etc.) [...]

Should I go on to Hormone Therapy – What about the Risk of Thromboembolic Diseases

(Results from the population-based PCBaSe Sweden) Hormone therapy (ADT) is designed to prevent the manufacturing of testosterone however, testosterone is a very important preventive hormone, especially in the area of heart health. ADT also causes a number of metabolic side-effects including increased body weight, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hyperglycemia. So, how is the risk of [...]

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