Waiting On the Side Line with Crossed Fingures and A Prayer

I don't know about you, but I am waiting very anxiously for today's presentation at the AUA conference from Dendreon about Provenge. It is an absolute shame that we have been put into the position that we needed to wait for more men to die before moving ahead. I am concerned that all of the [...]

Contact Your Senators Today – Help Raise Prostate Cancer Research Funding

A letter from Sens. Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Mike Crapo (R-ID) is circulating in the Senate now and will be sent to the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee on Friday, April 24. Contact your Senators today and ask them to sign the Johnson-Crapo Appropriations letter to increase research funding for prostate cancer at the Department of Defense. [...]

Why We Continue To Fail

Today I posted the following on the ACOR Prostate listserv. It was in response to a series of emails that complained 1- That the organizations representing the prostate cancer community were at odds with each other and that there are too many prostate organizations. 2- That the prostate cancer community is disorganized and unable to [...]

Kennedy Hutchison Cancer Bill

Senators Kennedy and Hutchison introduced their long anticipated cancer bill yesterday. In summary, the bill states that: 1- Despite all the knowledge we have gained about cancer over the years, including early detection and screening, the actual decline in cancer mortality rate is only 6 percent as compared to a decline in mortality rate from [...]

Prostate Cancer is not a Fatal Cancer – HOG WASH

If I hear it one more time I am going to tear my hair out. What do you mean that prostate cancer is not fatal, prostate cancer is the second largest cancer killer after only lung cancer. TARA PARKER-POPE wrote in yesterdays New York Times a health article, "Screen or Not? What Those Prostate Studies [...]


The following statement about the recent controversy regarding PSA testing was issued this morning by the thirteen organizations , including Malecare, listed at the bottom of the statement: A JOINT STATEMENT FROM AMERICA'S PROSTATE CANCER ADVOCACY, EDUCATION, AND SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS Since 1993, when the PLCO trial was started, we have awaited the results of this [...]

The PSA Controversy

Over the last few days the media has been full of debate about the most recent, contradictory studies that have been released about the efficacy of the PSA as a diagnostic tool for prostate cancer. Normally, I would not write about this issue in this blog since those of us with recurrences and advanced prostate [...]

Can the “Right to Die” Become A “Duty to Die”

Wesley Smith who is a lawyer, associate director of the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide and senior fellow at the Discovery Institute has published an article in the Telegraph of the experience of Oregon and its "assisted suicide" law. "Imagine that you have lung (or prostate cancer, I know it is rare, [...]

The Economic Stimulus Package and Its Effect On Prostate Cancer Treatment

There has been a lot of publicity surrounding the $787 billion economic stimulus bill approved by Congress. One thing that the bill will do for the first time is provide substantial amounts of money for the federal government to compare the effectiveness of different treatments for the same illness. Researchers are scheduled to receive $1.1 [...]

Advanced Prostate Cancer Vaccine Being Developed in Cuba

For those of us who believed that we are alone in the search for a prostate cancer vaccine for advanced prostate cancer, the good news is that we are not. The Vladimir Ilich Lenin hospital, located in Cuba, has announced that they will shortly begin the second phase of the clinical trial of a vaccine [...]

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