NY Times – A Fighting Spirit Won’t Save Your Life……But

Last Tuesday’s New York Times had a commentary, A Fighting Spirit Won’t Save Your Life caused me to pause and think. The author, Richard Sloan, who is a professor of behavioral medicine at the Columbia University Medical Center, is attempting to debunk the belief that getting sick is a punishment for being a bad person [...]


I don’t know if you have ever thought about it, but sometimes I think about who gets cancer and who doesn’t. It is hard not to think about this after having three different cancers. According to scientists, we know of some things that can cause cancer, such as certain environmental exposures. Exposure only means that [...]

How Long Do I Have To Live?

You have been treated for prostate cancer and you find out that your PSA is rising. You are diagnosed with prostate cancer and the doctors tell you that the cancer has escaped the gland and moved on to other places in your body. You have advanced prostate cancer and there is no cure for you! [...]

The Value of & Teaching Empathy to Our Doctors

When I was first interviewing oncologists to decide whom to put on my team to help me deal with my prostate cancer recurrence, I remember leaving the office of the doctor I eventually selected and saying to my wife, “I can’t use him.” She asked why and I replied, “He is not going to be [...]

Our Medical Professionals

One of those things that sometimes irk me is the lack of warmth I have encountered from medical professionals throughout my journey with cancer. No question, there have been exceptions, glimpses of compassion extended from a few people. More often than not there seems to be a general lack of empathy or sensitivity. It is [...]

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