Can Information Technology Speed Up Medical Research?

Faster Cures is a novel organization created by the financier Michael Milken, who also founded the Prostate Cancer Foundation.  Faster Cures' goal is to find new ways to bring drugs to market faster -- the average is 17 years from conception to the time the drug hits the market. Faster Cures sends me a newsletter, and in this issue, they [...]

By |2020-02-04T08:27:35-05:00August 12th, 2008|Healthcare and Ethics, Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|0 Comments

When Cancer Isn’t Really “Cancer”

The problem of overtreatment of prostate cancer is well-known.  Many invasive, aggressive treatments are performed on men whose cancer would never pose a threat to their lives anyway.  And they are often left with nasty side effects, physical and emotional.  So a well-known PC pathologist, Dr. Jonathan Oppenheimer, proposes a solution:  Let's call the low-grade tumors [...]

By |2020-02-04T12:15:43-05:00July 1st, 2008|Healthcare and Ethics, Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|0 Comments

The Language Of Cancer

I just saw that Dana Jennings, who writes a blog about his prostate cancer for the NYT, is discussing language and cancer.  So I recycled this essay I wrote some time back. It amazes me that doctors still use the word biochemical failure to refer to a recurrence of prostate cancer.  A doctor told me, [...]

By |2017-10-19T10:57:36-04:00June 11th, 2008|Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|2 Comments

Mayo Clinic Editorial Urges Caution About Laparascopic PC Surgery

This is a follow-up to the previous posting.  Please read that first.  Following is an editorial by Dr. Michael Blute of the Mayo Clinic urology faculty.  He is commenting on a study by Dr. Hu which compared laparascopic and open surgery.  I am going to cite the entire article almost verbatim and I have emphasized parts that I [...]

By |2020-02-04T08:27:23-05:00May 27th, 2008|Healing the Mind, Key Post, Op-Ed/Inside Scoop|1 Comment
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