Understanding How Personalized Medicine Is Developed By Way Of A Real Situation – Olaparib

It is common knowledge that men with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) don’t all have the same disease. There are many different types or flavors of prostate cancer. These differences are involved in the genetic structure of the cancer cell its self. Some prostate cancers have mutations in the DNA repair genes (genes whose job [...]

Lethal Advanced Prostate Cancer Has Inherently Heterogeneity And Can Spread From Other Metastatic Sites

We still have a lot to learn about how prostate cancer actually spreads, or metastasizes. Current theory holds that the primary tumor is probably most responsible for the development of distant metastases. In a new genomic analysis of tissue performed at the Johns Hopkins University using tissue from prostate cancer patients this paradigm has been [...]

The Well Reviewed Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer (A Survivor Perspective) Has Been Updated and is Now Available for a free Download

Somehow I have been negligent and not let people know that I have written and posted a major update of my “Guide to Advanced Prostate Cancer.” As in the past, it is available as a free download from the Malecare web site. Helping me to update the book was prostate cancer survivor Craig Pynn and [...]

An Important Genetic Screen for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer – The Tamoxifen Test – Clearing CYP2D6

Whenever we take a drug, whether it's in injectable or an oral drug it must be cleared from our bodies otherwise it can become toxic to us. Unfortunately, our ability to clear drugs varies from individual to individual. These different abilities are often related to genetic differences we each have from one another. Doing of [...]

Cleveland Clinic Identifies Genetic Mutation in a Deadly form of Prostate Cancer

Dr. Nima Sharifi from the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute has claimed to have identified a genetic mutation in one of the deadliest forms of prostate cancer. His finding, published online today in the journal Cell, shows that there is a mutation that occurs in an enzyme that is present in a drug resistant form [...]

BRCA Mutations and Prostate Cancer

When Angelina Jolie's double mastectomy hit the headlines in May this year there was a lot of press coverage including discussions about BRCA 1 and 2 genes. These conversations centered on women and their risk of breast or ovarian cancer. But, what about BRCA 1 and 2 in relation to prostate cancer, is there any? [...]

An Email & A Response About Prostate Cancer & Family History

I received an email from a lady from Australia that I though would be informative to share. It discusses genetic links and risk factors for hormonally related (including prostate) cancers: HER EMAIL TO ME Hi there :) I hope you don't mind me emailing you? I'm a lady from Australia and have 3 uncles with [...]

Neuroendocrine Prostate Cancer- What Is It?

Many of us believe that prostate cancer is one specific disease, however this is not true. In fact we now know that there are at least twenty-three different types off prostate cancer. The most common types of prostate cancer, or ninety-five percent of them are referred to as adenocarcinomas. One of the least common types [...]

Laptop Computer Exposure Associated With Non-Thermal Effect on Sperm Quality & Maybe Prostate Cancer

Are you the kind of guy that uses his laptop computer in your lap? Many of us do this when we are in our car or even seated on our couch while we watch TV. If we don’t most of our children and granchildren do. According to research presented at the American Society for Reproductive [...]

A High Fiber Diet May Be Preventive to Prostate Cancer Progression

We are constantly hearing about possible ways to control prostate cancer through diet. Often, researchers point out that in Asian cultures, even in the cultures that have a similar rate of prostate cancer, the disease seems to progress in Western cultures, but not in the Asian cultures. A University of Colorado Cancer Center study published [...]

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